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Only one "YES" or "NO"

已有 769 次阅读2008-2-13 16:53

Who can determine any people's fate ONLY one "YES"  or  "NO", or at least make their lives harder and harder?  

Someone is powerful, one"No", saves time, gets money -->EASY

Somebody else, spends long time and good money, at least get emotional sick --> Spends more and more money and wastes time, life --> how is the feeling and life?

"NO" can waste a lot of time and spend a lot of money, and make the people's lives harder and harder, make them sicker and sicker, and spend more and more money-->finally come to die much early.

Easy and cheap medication "NO" --> big different FATE.

How sucessful they are!

Future is unknown, Fate is determine only by the powerful person's feeling at that moment. They do not need to follow any instructions and no criteria to measure their jobs. They do what they want and no any ethical or moral things in their lives.

What can we do?

Usually nothing can change but

  • increase stress level a lot

  • increase anger

  • increase blood pressure

  • increase health problems

  • increase pity and

  • decrease a lot of things


Long-term emotional and/or malnutriention suffer:

  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Heart disease (atherosclerosis)
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis (loss of bone mineral)
  • Cancer






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