wcccc 发表于 2014-4-16 11:36:07


1. 印象台湾 Taiwan Impression
Cultural Arts Performing Team-National Taiwan University of Physical Education and Sport

Location地点: Tech-Voc High School, 1555 Wall St
Time时间:五月四日 晚上7:00PM May 4, 7:00pm
Ticket票价:$10 & $20
Rush Seating 先到先坐
Tickets can be purchased at Winnipeg Chinese Cultural and Community Centre
Tel 电话: 204-943-2627         Address地址: 2nd Floor, 180 King Street.

2. Welcome Dinner for Director General Mr. Rong-chuan Wu, Taiwan Economic and Cultural office in Toronto
多伦多台北经济文化办事处处长 吴荣泉 莅临温尼伯
暨 国立台湾体育运动大学文化艺术访问团 欢迎晚宴

Location 地点:金煌宴会厅 Golden Terrace 245 King Street
Time时间:五月三日 晚上 7:00PM May 3, 7:00pm
Tickets票价:$25每人 或$300每桌 $25 per person or $300 for a table of 12
Tickets can be purchased at Winnipeg Chinese Cultural and Community Centre
Tel电话: 204-943-2627      Address地址: 2nd Floor, 180 King Street.

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查看完整版本: 印象台湾--国立台湾体育运动大学文化艺术访问演出